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steelena's character strength is something many players are curious about. if you've acquired the character but aren't sure about its strength, here's a breakdown of the specific strength解析. let's dive in!
一、Character Strength Analysis:
1. sniper class: snipers rely on different neural drivers to achieve various effects. in alpha zone, for instance, hitting level 1 will trigger a hit-par禮 effect.
2. beta zone: at level 1, not only does it trigger the auto-attack effect, but it also allows you to move two grid squares forward.
3. gamma one zone: at level 2, using the weapon will grant a 0.35倍 damage multiplier, which is quite significant.
4. gamma two zone: when the enemy's health is at its lowest, it will deal high-damage attacks directly.
5. ammo capacity: the weapon's ammo capacity increases by 2 points upon upgrade, and with higher levels, the range will also improve. the auto-refill feature will become available as you level up.
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