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The U.S. Navy's "Dulmen" class aircraft carrier suffered a collision on its right wingfairing following a grounding.
The U.S. Navy conducted salvage operations in San Diego Port to recover a electronically戰(zhàn) plane, the EA-18G "Prowler," that had sunk in the ocean.
According to recent U.S. news reports, since the beginning of this year, a number of accidents have occurred within the U.S. military's fleet, involving both naval and air forces. These accidents are complex in cause and result in significant losses, revealing significant shortcomings in management and readiness levels.
Accidents have become increasingly frequent at the start of the year.
A report suggests that at the beginning of this year, the U.S. Air Force's F-35A fighter experienced its first accident. On January 28, a F-35A fighter from the 354th Fighter Squadron at the Alaskan Air Force Base was involved in an incident during training, sustaining severe damage to its structure.
On January 29, a UH-60 "Black Hawk" helicopter from the U.S. Army's 12th Air Operations Command was involved in a collision with a commercial jet operated by a U.S. airline near the Rota Air Base. Both aircraft lost all crew members in the accident.
On February 6, a small aircraft, chartered by the U.S. Department of Defense, crashed shortly after takeoff from the Philippines' Macan Airport. All four passengers were killed, including three defense contractors and one U.S. Navy Electronics Expert. It was originally scheduled to conduct a covert operation on the棉蘭老島.
On February 12, an EA-18G "Prowler" electronically戰(zhàn) plane went down near the California coast. In the same incident, the U.S. Navy's "Dulmen" class aircraft carrier suffered water damage above its waterline and had to be towed to the Greek island of Crete for repairs. Despite claims by the Department of Defense that no casualties or nuclear contamination resulted from the accident, the visible cracks on the ship left the U.S. military in a quandary.
As the U.S. military was engaged in accident investigations and dealing with public Relations issues, further revelations emerged about additional safety issues and potential problems. For example, the "Stok戴爾"號驅逐艦, originally intended to join the aircraft carrier strike group, faced system and component failures, forcing it to dock in Japan's Hokkaido Port for maintenance. The U.S. Secretary of State's own Air Force plane experienced engine failure after takeoff, sparking questions about the readiness of U.S. Air Force's fleet. On February 15, a MV-22"YF-22" vertical attack aircraft suffered an emergency landing in the Philippines, drawing worldwide attention. Additionally, the U.S. Air Force decided to delay the completion of its "Siren" land-based洲際彈道導彈 system due to insufficient funding and inadequate technical support. A portion of the U.S. Navy's Los Angeles-class submarine force was reported to be exceeding their scheduled completion dates, causing the submarine unit to be inactive.
The situation revealed more profound issues.
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